Subscription bond service Bondable promises to shake up rental industry
Bondable has been launched to revolutionise the property industry and create a more affordable, transparent, and efficient rental system for tenants, agents, and landlords.
ConnectID first in Australia to bring digital ID to real estate industry
ConnectID has announced that RentBetter, a self-service property management platform, has joined ConnectID’s expanding ecosystem.
Real estate agent comparison platform LocalAgentFinder acquires Dott & Crossitt
Australian real estate agent comparison platform LocalAgentFinder have announced the completion of its acquisition of Dott & Crossitt.
AI-driven proptech revolutionises commercial real estate in 2024: MRI Software report
A new report by MRI Software suggests frustration by senior professionals working in Australia’s $31.4 billion commercial real estate.
Government mandates competition in eConveyancing by December 2025
E-settlement provider Sympli acknowledges the overwhelming support from the industry and government for the December 2025 release dates
Federal Government strangles innovation: REIQ
The REIQ is warning that the Federal Government’s proposed changes to the Sophisticated Investor Test (SIT) could sink start-ups and strangle small and medium Commercial Property Investment Funds.
Rex Software announces the resignation of CEO Anton Babkov and appointment of new CEO Davin Miller
Rex Software have announced that Anton Babkov will be moving on as CEO, and Davin Miller will be the new Chief Executive Officer.
LocalAgentFinder offers insights into interest rates, home values and record listings in Australia
LocalAgentFinder, an Australian real estate agent comparison platform, offers insights into the current real estate market in Australia.