Proptech+Legaltech Liaisons: Leaning into the intersections

Proptech+Legaltech Liaisons: Leaning into the intersections

There are always plenty of legal documents required whenever you buy or sell a residential property!

Conveyancing also involves multiple stakeholders, processes and tasks, which means that there are plenty of good opportunities in there for technology to help!

The Proptech Panel this month explores the intersections of proptech and legaltech, including the innovations in the market such as:

  • digital ID checks
  • virtual document signing
  • automated contract preparation and review
  • the safeguards around the large sums of money that are transferred on settlement.

Join Proptech Association Australia’s Vice President, Jennifer Harrison at 12pm (AEDT) on Tuesday 28th March in conversation with expert guests:

Karen Olsen from PEXA, Judith Hammerschlag from Contrax Australia, Lara Paholski from

This is a virtual event. Attendance is free but you must register. So grab your lunch and join in!

To register and for more information, please visit here.